From Potential to Performance: Unlocking Employee Capabilities

From Potential to Performance: Unlocking Employee Capabilities

Performance management is a critical aspect of human resources that enables businesses to evaluate and improve employee performance, aligning it with the company’s strategic goals. Developing and implementing an effective performance management system can be particularly challenging if the right resources and expertise is missing. However, addressing common questions and concerns can help businesses create a system that boosts productivity, enhances employee satisfaction, and drives organizational success. Here’s a guide to help companies navigate the complex world of HR and performance management.

1. Setting and Communicating Performance Expectations

Clear and achievable performance expectations are the foundation of effective performance management. Start by aligning goals with your company’s strategic objectives and ensure they are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). Communicating these expectations requires transparency and dialogue—encourage managers to have open discussions with employees about their roles, objectives, and how success will be measured.

The First 90 Day Performance Plans for new employees set expectations, goals and keep everyone on the team aligned. Make sure to implement 90 Day Performance Plans and keep measuring against them as a means to track progress and development.

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2. Monitoring and Evaluating Employee Performance

Choosing the right methods for monitoring and evaluating performance is key. Consider a mix of quantitative metrics and qualitative assessments to provide a comprehensive view of employee performance. Regular check-ins and the use of performance management software can help keep track of progress and identify areas for improvement timely. Implementing a mix of peer and leadership reviews can be useful as well as position specific feedback, career development and personal development points.

3. Ensuring Fairness and Objectivity

To mitigate biases in performance evaluation, standardize the evaluation process and train managers on objective assessment techniques. Implementing structured feedback forms and incorporating multiple sources of feedback, such as peer reviews, can help ensure a more balanced and fair evaluation.

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4. Delivering Constructive Feedback

Effective feedback is timely, specific, and focuses on behaviors rather than personal attributes. Encourage managers to provide regular feedback, not just during formal evaluation periods, and to frame suggestions for improvement in a positive, supportive manner. This fosters a culture of continuous development and helps employees stay motivated.

5. Linking Performance Management with Development

Performance management should be a tool for identifying development opportunities. Use evaluations to uncover employees’ strengths and areas for growth, and tailor development plans that align with their career aspirations. Offering training, mentorship, and upskilling opportunities can help employees advance and contribute more effectively to the company.

6. Leveraging Technology

Technology can streamline many aspects of performance management, from setting goals and tracking progress to facilitating feedback. For small to mid-size companies, investing in affordable HR software that offers performance management features can be a game-changer, enabling more efficient processes and better data analysis. Many payroll systems and HRIS systems come with performance management features.

7. Addressing Underperformance

Addressing underperformance is a delicate but necessary part of performance management. Early intervention and clear communication are crucial. Develop a performance improvement plan (PIP) that outlines specific, achievable goals, and provide the necessary support and resources to help the employee improve.

8. Recognizing and Rewarding High Performance

A well-designed recognition and reward system can significantly boost morale and motivation. This doesn’t always mean financial rewards; public recognition, professional development opportunities, and additional responsibilities can also be highly motivating for employees.

9. Adapting to Remote or Hybrid Work

For companies operating remotely or in a hybrid model, maintaining visibility and engagement in performance management is essential. Use digital tools to facilitate regular check-ins and ensure that performance metrics are adapted to suit remote work contexts.

10. Ensuring Legal Compliance

Finally, ensure that your performance management system complies with local labor laws and regulations. This includes fair labor practices, nondiscrimination policies, and privacy laws related to employee data.

By addressing these key areas, companies can develop an effective performance management system that not only drives business success but also supports and develops their most valuable asset—their employees.

Beyond the Watercooler: Strengthening Workplace Relations

Beyond the Watercooler: Strengthening Workplace Relations

A Q&A Guide For Your Company

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on effective employee relations! This blog is the first installment of our six-part HR Series. This series is designed for companies looking to enhance their HR services and overall company morale. 

Let’s dive into the burning questions that companies often ask when it comes to managing the tricky topic of employee relations.

The Basics: What are the Key Components of Effective Employee Relations?

Effective employee relations are crucial for creating a positive work environment and fostering a culture of trust and collaboration. It goes beyond morale and impacts a company’s overall bottom line. Let’s start by going over the basics of successful employee relations:

1. Open Communication Channels

Ensuring regular, transparent communication through meetings and digital platforms is crucial. Open channels allow for the seamless flow of information, feedback, and ideas between employees and management. This transparency helps in building trust, clarifying expectations, and ensuring that everyone is aligned with the company’s goals and values. 

2. Employee Engagement

Creating an environment that values feedback and recognizes contributions is essential for employee engagement. Engaged employees are more productive, have higher job satisfaction, and are more likely to contribute to positive business outcomes. 

3. Conflict Resolution

Developing fair and lawful procedures for conflict resolution is critical to maintaining a healthy workplace. Effective conflict resolution practices ensure that disputes are handled constructively and that all parties feel heard and respected. This involves establishing clear guidelines for reporting and resolving conflicts, training managers and HR personnel in mediation skills, and fostering a culture where constructive feedback and open discussions are encouraged.

4. Training and Development

Offering continuous learning opportunities supports employee growth and job satisfaction. When employees have access to training and development resources, they can improve their skills and advance their careers, which contributes to higher engagement and retention rates. 

5. Work-Life Balance

Supporting flexible working arrangements for a better work-life balance is increasingly important in today’s fast-paced work environment. By acknowledging the diverse needs of employees and offering flexible solutions, companies can reduce stress, increase job satisfaction, and improve overall employee well-being.

Now, let’s dive into executing these key components: 

How Can We Successfully Handle Conflicts Between Employees?

Executing successful conflict resolution can feel daunting, but we’re here to help. Follow these steps: 


  • Immediate Acknowledgment: Promptly addressing conflicts as soon as they arise is vital in preventing them from escalating. Early intervention signals to all parties involved that their concerns are taken seriously, and it sets the stage for a constructive dialogue. Establishing protocols for immediate response ensures that conflicts don’t simmer beneath the surface, leading to more significant issues down the line.
  • Neutral Ground: Establishing a safe and neutral space for discussions is essential for an open and honest dialogue. This environment allows all parties to express their viewpoints without fear of bias, retaliation, or judgment. Whether it’s a physical location or a virtual meeting space, neutral ground helps to level the playing field and can facilitate a more amicable resolution.
  • Active Listening: Ensuring that each party feels heard and understood is a cornerstone of effective conflict resolution. Active listening involves more than just hearing the words spoken—it requires empathy, patience, and the ability to understand the emotions and intentions behind the words. By summarizing what has been said and asking clarifying questions, mediators can demonstrate comprehension and respect for each perspective, paving the way for mutual understanding.
  • Identify Solutions: Collaboratively working towards a solution that is acceptable to all parties is the goal of any conflict resolution process. This step often involves creative problem-solving and negotiation skills, aiming to find a win-win situation where possible. Encouraging open discussion about possible solutions and compromises allows each party to have a stake in the resolution, increasing the likelihood of a lasting agreement.
  • Follow-Up: Ensuring that the conflict is resolved in the long term requires follow-up after the initial resolution. This might involve checking in with the parties involved to ensure that the agreed-upon solutions are being implemented and are effective. It also provides an opportunity to address any lingering issues or adjustments to the resolution. Follow-up actions underscore the organization’s commitment to maintaining a harmonious work environment and can prevent similar conflicts from arising in the future.
  • Ensure Legal Compliance: In managing employee conflicts, it’s crucial to comply with key employment laws such as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Adopt clear policies that align with these regulations to uphold a fair and lawful resolution process, and keep detailed records to demonstrate compliance. This approach safeguards your company and promotes a culture of integrity and respect.

Learn more about how to successfully navigate workplace conflicts.

How Can We Improve Employee Engagement at Our Company?

Improving engagement requires:

  • Empowerment: Give employees control over their work.
  • Recognition: Acknowledge achievements regularly.
  • Communication: Keep everyone informed about company matters.
  • Professional Development: Invest in employee growth.
  • Feedback Culture: Encourage and act upon feedback.

Struggling to improve employee engagement at work? Reach out to Flex for more tips.

What Strategies Can We Use to Retain Top Talent?

Top talent can be tough to find—Here are a few ways to make sure it stays at your company: 

  • Competitive Compensation: Offering attractive salaries and benefits is fundamental to retaining employees. Compensation should not only match the industry standards but also reflect the value that the employees bring to the company. This includes base salary, bonuses, health benefits, retirement plans, and other perks that contribute to the overall compensation package. Regularly reviewing and adjusting compensation packages ensures they remain competitive and meet the evolving needs of the workforce.
  • Career Pathing: Providing clear advancement opportunities is crucial for employee retention. Employees need to see a future within the organization where they can grow and develop their careers. This involves defining clear career paths, offering mentorship programs, and providing training and development opportunities that align with their career goals. By actively investing in employees’ professional growth, companies can motivate them to stay and contribute to the organization’s success over the long term.
  • Work Environment: Fostering a positive and inclusive culture is key to creating a workplace where employees feel valued and supported. This includes promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, ensuring a safe and healthy work environment, and encouraging collaboration and innovation. 
  • Flexibility: Adapting to the needs of your workforce by offering flexible working arrangements can significantly impact retention. This may include remote work options, flexible schedules, part-time opportunities, or compressed workweeks. Flexibility helps employees balance their work and personal lives, leading to higher job satisfaction and reduced turnover.
  • Engagement: Maintaining regular communication and team-building activities is essential for keeping employees engaged and connected to the organization. Engagement strategies can include regular check-ins, feedback sessions, employee recognition programs, and social events that build a sense of community within the company.

How Can Employee Feedback Be Integrated Into the Decision-Making Process?

Making a conscious effort to include the thoughts and opinions of your employees is a great way to show how much you value them. Integrate feedback through:

  • Regular Surveys: Collect insights on various aspects.
  • Suggestion Box: Encourage anonymous submissions.
  • Feedback Meetings: Discuss feedback directly with management.
  • Cross-Functional Teams: Include diverse perspectives in projects.
  • Action Plans: Develop and communicate follow-up actions.

Looking for more ways to utilize employee feedback? Contact our team of experts.

What Strategies Can Be Used to Manage Remote or Hybrid Workforce Relations?

The workplace has changed substantially over the last four years. Many companies have taken on a remote or hybrid policy. Effective remote and hybrid management includes:

  • Regular Check-Ins: Discuss progress and well-being.
  • Virtual Team Building: Foster connections through online activities.
  • Setting Clear Expectations: Clarify work and communication standards.
  • Providing Technology Support: Equip teams with necessary tools.
  • Adapting Policies: Address unique challenges of remote work.

Creating a Workplace Where Everyone Feels Valued and Motivated

Crafting a workplace that’s both enjoyable and efficient is no small feat. It’s about blending open communication with a knack for recognizing the unique talents each team member brings to the table. There’s a whole toolbox of strategies out there to ensure your employees aren’t just satisfied but truly engaged and thriving. In search of some expert guidance on HR and employee relations? Flex is just a message away. Let’s chat about how we can make your workplace not just function smoothly, but sparkle with positivity and productivity.

5 Ways to Prepare for a Business Audit

Getting ready for an upcoming business audit can feel daunting. The preparation isn’t just about crunching numbers—you’ll need to have a comprehensive approach to make everything goes smoothly from start to finish. 

From keeping a paper trail to incorporating effective processes, there are several ways to be confident that your business is ready for action. The experts at Flex-Able Solutions cover these tactics and more in our blog. Let’s get started. 

5 Ways to Prepare Your Business for an Audit

Hand pointing to wooden check mark.

1. Build a Strong Paper Trail

Document Every Transaction

Documenting each financial transaction is crucial. Keep detailed records of all sales, purchases, receipts, and payments. Utilizing accounting software is a great way to streamline this process and achieve accuracy.  

Bank Reconciliations

Regular bank reconciliations are essential. They help identify discrepancies between your records and the bank statements, ensuring all transactions are accounted for. This practice not only prepares you for audits but also helps in managing your finances more effectively.

Maintaining Supporting Documents

These supporting documents can include invoices, contracts, and bank statements. Organize these documents systematically—either digitally or physically—for easy retrieval during an audit.

2. Manage Receipts

Implement a System 

Establish a routine for collecting, recording, and storing receipts. Keep in mind that a systematic approach to handling receipts can prevent lost or unaccounted for expenses. 

Digitization of Receipts

Digitizing receipts simplifies record-keeping. Use scanner apps or document management systems to create digital copies. 

Cross-Referencing Receipts

Each receipt should be cross-referenced with bank statements and accounting records. This practice verifies the accuracy of your financial data and simplifies the audit process.

3. Have the Right Documents Ready

Financial Statements

Auditors typically review financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. It’s important to make sure these documents are accurate, up-to-date, and reflective of your business’s financial status.

Tax Returns

Tax returns are a critical component of an audit. Keep copies of filed returns and related documents organized and readily available.

Internal Controls Documentation

Document your internal controls, which include procedures for financial reporting, fraud prevention, and compliance. Clear documentation of these processes demonstrates your commitment to financial integrity.

4. Establish (and Stick to) Processes

Clear Record-Keeping Policy

Develop a clear record-keeping policy outlining the procedures for managing financial records. This policy should be communicated to all relevant staff.

Employee Training

Train employees in proper record-keeping and audit preparation. Regular training ensures everyone understands their role in maintaining accurate and complete financial records.

5. Regularly Review and Update Financial Policies and Procedures

Periodic Review of Financial Policies

Regularly review your financial policies to verify they align with current regulations and business practices. This includes updating policies on expenditures, revenue recognition, and asset management. Staying updated with the changing laws and standards can prevent compliance issues during an audit

Updating Procedures Based on Business Growth and Changes

As your business evolves, so should your financial procedures. Regular updates to these procedures make certain they remain effective and efficient. This might involve streamlining processes, adopting new technologies, or revising roles and responsibilities within the finance team.

Involving Stakeholders in Policy Updates

Engage different stakeholders, including management, finance personnel, and external advisors, in the process of updating financial policies and procedures. Their insights can help identify areas for improvement and ensure the policies are practical and comprehensive.

Stay Ahead in the Audit Game with Flex-Able Solutions

Person sits at desk smiling with stack of papers.

To make your next audit a success, be sure to implement the five strategies above. With the right steps in place, an audit can be a smooth and constructive experience. If you’re looking for additional info, contact Flex! Our financial experts are here to help during every step of your next business audit.

Navigating Workplace Conflicts: Effective Strategies and Fractional HR Support

Navigating Workplace Conflicts: Effective Strategies and Fractional HR Support

When it comes to the workplace, it’s impossible to avoid all conflict. It’s the way conflicts are handled that will impact productivity and morale. At Flex-Able Solutions, we believe that when problems are handled effectively, conflicts can be turned into opportunities for growth and improvement.

In this blog, we’ll go over the costs of unresolved issues, strategies for effective resolution, and how the support of fractional HR can help. Ready to get started? Let’s dive in. 

The Cost of Unresolved Conflicts

Unresolved workplace conflicts are more than just uncomfortable, they can have far-reaching consequences, including: 

  • Decreased productivity often results as team members spend more time embroiled in disputes than focusing on their work.
  • Increased turnover is another critical issue, as employees may leave a stressful work environment for more peaceful opportunities.
  • Poor morale can spread like wildfire, affecting even those not directly involved in the conflict.
  • An organization’s reputation can suffer, especially if conflicts become public or affect customer service.
  • Legal Issues: Conflicts that escalate can lead to legal issues, resulting in substantial legal fees and potential settlements.
Stressed employees argue at office.

5 Strategies for Effective Conflict Resolution

Now that we’ve gone over the dangers of unresolved conflicts, let’s cover a few strategies to ensure they don’t happen at your workplace: 

1. Encourage Open Communication 

Creating an environment that fosters open communication is crucial in conflict resolution. This means establishing a workplace where employees feel safe and respected when voicing their concerns and opinions. 

Regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, and open-door policies with management can facilitate this. Training sessions on effective communication skills can also be beneficial. When employees know that their voices are heard and valued, they are more likely to engage in constructive dialogue before conflicts escalate.

Employees work together on floor of office.

2. Define Clear Policies and Procedures

Clear, well-communicated policies and procedures for managing conflicts are essential. These guidelines should outline the steps to be taken when a conflict arises, including who should be involved in the resolution process and what actions are considered appropriate. 

Keeping records of conflicts is a valuable practice. This documentation can help identify patterns or recurring issues within the organization. It also serves as a reference for how similar conflicts have been successfully resolved in the past.

It is also crucial to have an updated employee handbook that all employees have constant access to. Ensure that all employees have signed and returned a paper stating that they have read, understood, and have access to company policies. 

Pro tip: Regularly reviewing and updating these policies ensures they remain relevant and effective in addressing new types of workplace conflicts.

3. Train Employees in Conflict Resolution

Training your employees to have conflict resolution skills is a proactive approach to managing workplace disputes. Training programs can include techniques for active listening, non-confrontational communication, and problem-solving. 

Role-playing scenarios and workshops can be particularly effective in helping employees practice and understand these skills. This training empowers employees to address conflicts constructively and independently, often resolving issues before they escalate

4. Lead by Example

Management plays a critical role in setting the tone for conflict resolution. Leaders should model positive conflict resolution behaviors, demonstrating active listening, calm and respectful communication, and a collaborative approach to problem-solving. When employees see their leaders handling conflicts constructively, they are more likely to emulate these behaviors.

5. Mediation and Neutral Third Parties

Involving a neutral third party, such as a fractional HR professional, can be highly effective in resolving complex conflicts. These mediators are trained to facilitate discussions between parties in a non-biased manner. Their external perspective can provide a fresh approach to entrenched issues. Their presence can help ensure that the process remains fair.

Conflict Resolution with Fractional HR Support

At Flex, we’ve seen the positive impact fractional HR support has firsthand. For example:

  • It fosters improved innovation, as diverse ideas and perspectives are integrated.
  • Team collaboration increases as employees learn to resolve their differences in a constructive way.
  • Increased employee retention is another significant benefit, as staff feel valued and understood in a supportive environment.
  • A stronger company culture develops, characterized by mutual respect and effective communication.

Conflict Resolution: Let’s Put You on a Path to Progress

By implementing effective conflict resolution strategies and leveraging the expertise of fractional HR professionals, you can avoid the negative outcomes. If you need help transforming your workplace challenges into opportunities, get in touch with the experts at Flex. We’re here to help encourage the long-term success of your company! 

Smiling employee shakes hand with another employee.

End of Year Budgeting: Helpful Tips to Get You Started

End of Year Budgeting: Helpful Tips to Get You Started

It’s hard to believe 2024 is just around the corner! How’s your end-of-year budgeting coming along? At Flex-Able Solutions, we like to think of budgeting as setting the stage for all the amazing things your company can achieve in the following year. By getting a handle on your finances early, you’re giving your business a head start on those 2024 goals. 

7 Tips for End-of-Year Budgeting

We get it, end-of-year reporting and budgeting can feel (and be) daunting. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Start by following these budgeting tips from our Flexers: 

1. Start Preparing Your Budget in the Fall 

It’s ideal to start preparing your budget a few months before the year ends. This will give you ample time to gather all necessary data, analyze it, and make well-informed decisions. Plus, starting early ensures that you’ll be buttoned up for tax season. For most businesses, we recommend starting in the early fall. 

2. Create a Model From Your Current Financials

Your budget should be an extension of your current financial situation. Use your existing financial statements as a template. This ensures consistency and makes it easier to see year-over-year comparisons. Visit our accounting and finance page to get more insights on financial modeling. 

 3. Don’t Overcomplicate It

Simplicity is key. While it’s essential to be thorough, you don’t want to get lost in the weeds. Ensure that your budget is comprehensive yet straightforward. Rule of thumb: if a team member can’t understand or navigate the budget easily, it might need to be simplified.

4. Use Your Budget as a (Loose) Guide 

Remember, your budget for the calendar year is not set in stone; it’s a guide to help you navigate financial decisions throughout the year. Think of it as your financial GPS, guiding you toward your goals and alerting you if you veer off course.

5. Update Your Budget Regularly 

While the budget is prepared at the end of the year, it’s crucial to review and adjust it periodically. Depending on the volatility of your industry and business dynamics, consider monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual reviews. This type of strategic budgeting will help ensure you’re on track and allow you to make necessary changes if unforeseen events occur.

6. Use Historical Trends

Past performance can often hint at future trends. By analyzing historical data, you can spot patterns that will help in forecasting. It will also enable you to set realistic and achievable goals.

7. Budget VS Forecast: What’s the Difference? 

While both budget and forecast are finance related, they serve different purposes: 

  • Budget – An annual budget is a detailed plan of what you expect to happen based on your set strategies and decisions. It’s a target you aim for. A budget remains relatively fixed.
  • Forecast – On the other hand, a forecast is an updated version of the budget based on actual performance and current conditions. A forecast can change depending on your current situation and provides a more realistic expectation of the financial outcome. 

Navigate End-of-Year Budgeting With Flex

End-of-year budgeting is about setting a clear direction for the future. With these tips, you can set your financial plans in motion for 2024! Remember, a budget offers a roadmap, but flexibility and regular updates will ensure you stay on the right path. If you’d like help with budgeting, you’re looking for budget plan ideas, or you have questions about any of our tips above, reach out. We’re here to help!

The Flex-Able Model: Solving Your Employment Challenges

The Flex-Able Model: Solving Your Employment Challenges

There are a lot of moving parts when it comes to running a business. Making sure all those parts work together so your business thrives can be tricky—especially when it comes to your employment needs. If you’re wondering whether it’s too soon to start hiring after a period of rapid growth, or if you’re asking whether you need additional HR help following significant company changes, know that you’re not alone.


At Flex-Able, we understand that keeping a balance between maintaining operations and managing budgets can sometimes feel like a nearly impossible juggling act. But don’t worry—that’s what our Flexers are for. 

We Should Team Up. Here’s Why: 

The office and work landscape is always changing, which is exciting! But it also makes adaptability and flexibility crucial. Finding the right partner to help with your company’s employment needs keeps your business agile and running like a well-oiled machine. When it comes to budgeting, technology services, human resources, and more, you should let our Flexers do the heavy lifting. Here’s why: 

1. Tailored Solutions 

No two businesses are the same—so, why would our employment strategies be? Flex provides custom solutions, whether you’re looking to scale up, scale down, or remain steady. Our partnerships always start with a conversation. We want to get to know your goals on an intricate level so we can jump right in to helping your business flourish. 

2. Fractional-to-Fully Outsourced

Need a CFO for just two days a week? Or an entire HR team without the hassle of hiring and training? Flex offers the luxury of fractional employment to full-team outsourcing to make sure you get just the right amount of expertise without pushing your budget. 

3. Budget-Friendly 

We get it, every penny counts; scaling and budgeting is a delicate balance. Our employment strategies are crafted to give you the best of the best without the financial strain that other employment partners bring with them. 

4. Our Specialists are at the Ready

Do you know the saying, “quality over quantity?” We are driven by that mantra. By working with Flex, you’re not “just” getting employees, you’re getting specialists dedicated to your cause. This ensures that every project meets our (and your) gold standard!  

Employee working on computer with graph.

5. Ease of Operations

Growth should not come at the expense of disruption. We ensure that while your business grows, your operations remain as smooth as ever. Flex integrates effortlessly so you get  minimal disruption and maximum efficiency. 

6. You’re Our Focus

Many employment partners claim to cater to businesses of all sizes. We’re focused on small-to-medium businesses. Our unique understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this space gives us an edge. This means that we can provide expert services for all of our clients.

7. Transparent Communication

Open communication is key. We pride ourselves on our open channels and make sure our clients are always in the loop. 

Our Services Meet Your Needs

To help your business reach its full potential, we offer a handful of services. Learn more about them below or get in touch with us to ask any questions you may have. 

Accounting & Finance 

We take financial insights and turn them into action items. Our experts can guide and strategize for you to make sure you meet your business objectives with the desired profit margins. Our Flexers ensure that your day-to-day tasks—such as payroll and journal entries, for example—are completed seamlessly. Depending on what type of help you’re looking for, we are equipped with financial professionals ranging from staff level to CFO. Learn more about our accounting & finance services

Human Resources 

We provide the HR assistance your company requires without the pressures of full-time recruitment. From employee relations to company benefits, our Flexers fully support daily operations. Through our fractional HR solutions, you gain access to HR professionals with the specific skills and experience you’re after. 

Technology Advisory Resources

Don’t compromise your technical prowess because of budget constraints or a lack of expertise. With our IT advisory services, you can tap into a team of seasoned tech experts ready to optimize your technology investments. Enhance your business’s hardware, software, and networks without depleting your resources—learn more. 

Two office employees shaking hands.

Your Success is Our Success

Our goal is to be a beacon of hope for your business. Our commitment to quality, flexibility, and transparency makes us the perfect partner for businesses looking to scale the right way, without hurdles. Next time you find yourself at the crossroads of growth and budgeting, drop us a line. We’re ready to chat and help you figure out your next steps!

Why Fractional Hiring May Be Right for Your Company

Why Fractional Hiring May Be Right for Your Company

Hire smarter. Fractional employees and teams are an effective way to move your business goals forward in uncertain times. With an unpredictable economy, the great resignation and a more remote workforce than ever, fractional employment is the new model for business success. 

Why is fractional employment one of LinkedIn’s secrets for success in 2023?  And Why does Forbes say it “ can make a lot of sense for startups?” At Flex-Able Solutions, we want you to understand the benefits of fractional hiring and how it can accelerate growth in small and medium sized companies like yours, even during economically tumultuous periods.


Why Fractional Employees

We’ve been waving the banner for fractional hiring for years but don’t just trust us.  The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a compelling list of reasons why fractional hiring makes sense:

Why Flexable

Tap Advanced Expertise

Many small companies don’t realize they have access to C level talent because of their budget. A fractional CFO can be a huge benefit, especially to a young company looking to get their business plan solidified. By hiring a C suite employee on a temporary basis you get experienced industry experts at a fraction of the cost. 

Deeper Investment

Fractional employees give your projects more time and attention than a freelancer. Because of the nature of your relationship, your fractional teams are directly invested in your success and can turn into a long-term asset. 

Build Relationships

Fractional employment allows you to build relationships with experts across many fields. By building these relationships, those fractional resources develop an intimate knowledge of your company. Even though you use them in short doses, they become an important piece of your success. 

Minimize Office Politics

Fractional employees are more invested in getting the work done than office politics. They aren’t looking for their next raise or promotion, they want to see your projects completed. In addition, with fractional workers, you don’t have to worry about turnover or benefits. 

Insider Knowledge

When your employees spend two days/week at your company and then two days at a company with different challenges, they develop an inside perspective that you can’t find anywhere else. You benefit from their diverse experience and problem solving capabilities. Our flexers get an industry perspective from being at other companies. 

Scale Your Programs

When you hire fractional employees, you can scale the amount you use them. As projects increase, add more hours, as your needs shift, change the people and departments you prioritize. This is especially impactful when your industry experiences changes in business due to the season. 

Avoid Layoffs

Ask the CEO’s of Meta, Stripe and Apple what they did wrong in 2022 and they’ll tell you that they overhired. Scaleable employment allows you to meet your needs without the full time commitment. Avoid unpleasant layoffs, preserve your budget and keep morale high with strategic and flexible hiring solutions.

How Fractional Employment Started and Why it Makes Sense Now

You can trace the origins of fractional employment back to academia where professors divide their time between teaching, researching and lecturing. Journalists, freelancers and salespeople have followed variations of this model but when the pandemic hit and remote work became the norm, fractional employment became a more sustainable model.

This shift has allowed capable and trusted professionals to work from anywhere while forcing employers to accept a new model of decentralized employment. Fractional hiring solves the potential challenges employers face in the new model by using short-term and dedicated expertise to achieve results in a fraction of the hours it may take full-time. A fractional employee can:

  • Fill in for employees on extended leave
  • Pilot special projects
  • Provide advice and consulting expertise
  • Help with niche topics and compliance issues
  • Add short term support in understaffed departments

Adding a fractional team allows your business to accomplish goals it may not have had the resources for. It gives you a productivity cushion to grow without overextending your budget on risky new hires.

Why Flexable Solutions?

Flex-Able Solutions takes the fractional model of employment and makes it fully customizable. You can get experienced accounting, human resources and technology experts on a scalable timeline and budget that matches your changing needs. Choose which department you want to focus on, swap out roles and titles as necessary and reintroduce experts when you want. 


Most importantly, Flex-Able Solutions not only deploys top tier talent, we identify the areas where fractional employees will provide the greatest impact to your business. Our team will assess your needs and recommend the best solutions while working within your budget. We align with your vision to make sure your goals are achievable. Consulting with companies like yours is what sets us apart. Your success is fully supported by our teams at every step.

Start Assembling Your Team Today

Whether you need a generalist, a controller, tech advice or C-level guidance, we’ve got the resources to match. Every success starts with a conversation about where you’re going. Contact Flex-Able Solutions today for the best talent and fractional help along your journey.